Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Welcome to my Journal!

Dear friends,

Thank you for checking out my blog, John’s Journal. It is my hope that in the days and weeks to come this Journal will serve to give you some insight into why I’m running for Governor. I’ll be writing about my faith, my boys and beautiful wife, policies, speeches, county fairs, work days and service events, Rebel football, and the good people of Mississippi, pretty much everything important to me.

Thanks and God Bless,

PS- Be sure to check my website for info about the campaign for a New Day in Mississippi!


scrotang said...

Hello John, I did not think that it was constitutional to teach bible literacy in MS public schools. I know the "student led voluntary prayer" is accepted, but I do not believe that forcing Christianity upon impressionable children is the correct way for them to experience "good moral values." I do have some other ideas though about education such as a state lottery that goes to fund public education and children's health care. We already have casinos in many parts of MS and a lottery could only add money to those funds that are already allocated for that specific purpose. Well John thanks for listening or for at least having this filtered through one of your staffers. And i figured you needed a comment. Adam

realtalker said...

Mr. Eaves, how do you plan to bring back "student led" prayer back to the schools? It seems to me that if the governor sponsors this it is not student led. As a lawyer you should know that the Courts have ruled time and time again that government officials cannot do this.

Wandiebuck said...

I am so thrilled and excited to see a Democrat who is not ashamed to profess his devotion to Jesus Christ. We Democrats do exist as conservative, devoted out-spoken Christians. We Christian Democrats believe in fair treatment, fair conditions and a fair day's wages for a fair day's work and that's what union labor is all about. We support your campaign and we are praying that God will intervene to rescue Mississippi with your help. Praise be to our God and Creator! Amen and VOTE EAVES!

John Arthur Eaves Jr. said...

Hi Adam and realtalker,

I appreciate your taking the time to comment on my blog, and you you both asked a related question, I'll respond to you both at the same time.

The Supreme Court has, as you know, stated that school prayer is unconstitutional when led by a teacher or administrator. My plan is to build in a time throughout the day for voluntary student led prayer, which is constitutional and practiced in states throughout the country. My plan doesn't force anyone to pray, nor does it discriminate on the basis of belief, it is just a time for our children to express their faith publicly. Thanks to you both for your time and questions!

John Arthur Eaves Jr. said...

Thanks wadiebuck! I appreciate your support! God Bless you and your family!